View AbstractThe paper explores the ideas and thoughts of one of very outstanding contemporary Shiite theologian Syed-ul-Ulama, Maulana Syed Ali Naqi Naqavi Saheb (1905-1988) on unity among Muslims. Modernization and its concomitant ideas have seriously challenged the religious traditions and Islam in particular. Hence, religious traditions have found a new fraternity to ward off the evil impact of materialistic modernism. Further Islamic groups—Shī„ah and Sunni, too have found fraternal inclinations for facing common threat of Westernization and Secularization. Compounding the crisis for religions and Islam in particular has been the concerted efforts of anti-Islamic forces—Secular, Zionist, Neo-Conservative Christians, Hindutva forces and Buddhist fascists to foment trouble in the ranks of Muslims and render them weak to withstand the onslaught of their adversaries.
Fall of the West is obvious. It is Islam and Muslims who are poised to fill the vacuum to lead the humanity on the path of real progress on all fronts—material, spiritual, ethical and social. Therefore, enemies of Islam and Muslims while being unable to arrest the declining trend of their progress, try to finish the emergence of an alternative leadership by fomenting trouble among the Muslims on religious, linguistic, regional, and sectarian basis. Shī„ah-Sunni fault lines are the choicest areas of their focus. It is in this context that ideas of Syed-ul-Ulama Syed Ali Naqi are appropriated. He while being a bonafide Shī„ah theologian propounds the veracity of his religious group; nevertheless he recognizes the destructive role of the Modernization and Westernization on humanity in general and Islam and Muslims in particular. Further, he focuses on the commonalities of the two groups and considers them to overweigh the differences among them. In addition, he recognizes the machinations of anti-Islamic forces like Jan Sangh (predecessor of Bhartiya Janata Party—a brain child of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh—a Hindu Fascist organization) to see Muslims fight with each other. Syed-ul-Ulama in a pragmatic prescription advises both Shī„ah and Sunni to see the consequences of their infightings and follow the Qur‟ānic Injunction of ( وَّ وَ ااذتُ فْ سِ غذتُ وۡ ا سِ ا وۡاوَ فْ س سِ ا ) “Do not create mischief on Earth” (al-Qur‟ān, 2:11, 7: 56, 85). Likewise, develop fraternal relations among them, present a unified picture of Islam to the outside world, and not be a cause of notoriety for Islam.