View AbstractThe present article deals with the explanation of one special aspect, from the multi-faceted impact, of Tafsīr Rūḥ al-Ma‘ānī of ‘Allāmah Maḥmūd al-Ālūsī on Tafsīr Bayān al-Qur’ān of Maulānā Ashraf ‘Alī Thānavī, i.e., the former’s impact on the latter with respect to the explanation of the literal niceties and excellences in the wonderful style of the Qur’ānic verses (āyāt). Though, after reading Tafsīr Bayān al-Qur’ān thoroughly, it becomes clear to the reader that Maulānā Ashraf ‘Alī Thānavī takes the related discussions from many tafāsīr like, al-Kashshāf, Tafsīr Abī Sa‘ūd, Tafsīr al-Baiḍāwī, al-Itqān, Tafsīr Iʻrāb al-Qur’ān, etc. He has himself made valuable discussions of his own at a number places related to the various aspects of the Qur’ānic āyāt. However, in the explanation of the discussions related to the Balāghah of the holy Qur’ān, Maulānā Thānavī has extensively taken material from Rūḥ al-Ma‘ānī and has adjusted it, after some additions from his own research, wherever needed, at proper places in his own tafsīr Bayān al-Qur’ān.
Science of Balāghah has three components viz, ‘Ilm al-Ma‘ānī, ‘Ilm al-Bayān and ‘Ilm al-Badī‘. One can find all of these components in the finest quality in the style of the Qur’ānic āyāt. This fact has been elaborated by the great scholars of Islam, especially the Mufassirūn (exegetes / commentators), the most famous among them are al-Jurjānī, al-Baqillani, al-Zamakhsharī, Abū Ḥayyān, Imām Rāzī, Muḥiuddīn al-Darwaish, Muṣṭafa al-Rāfi‘ī, etc. ‘Allāmah Maḥmūd al-Ālūsī’s tafsīr Rūḥ al-Ma‘ānī written during 1252-1267 A.H. (1836-1851 C.E.) is a comprehensive tafsīr which explains besides many things this aspect of the Qur’ānic āyāt in a refined and finer manner, after consulting all the previous material written on the subject, and has succeeded in it to the greatest extent. From this tafsīr, Maulānā Ashraf ‘Alī Thānavī has selected some important discussions related to the Balāghah of the Qur’ānic āyāt and has, after proper adjustment, incorporated in his own tafsīr Bayān al-Qur’ān. In the present paper, after giving a brief introduction to the life and works of Maulānā Ashraf ‘Alī Thānavī, focusing especially on his tafsīr (exegesis) of the holy Qur’ān, attempt is made to highlight the impact of Rūḥ al-Ma‘ānī on Bayān al-Qur’ān with regards to the explanation of the Balāghah of the Qur’ānic āyāt. Many examples have been cited along with the references to both of these tafāsīr to elaborate the contents of the paper. At the end it has also been made clear that Maulānā Ashraf ‘Alī Thānavī has even added his own views and explanations to many of the views and explanations of ‘Allāmah al-Ālūsī in connection with the explanation of the Balāghah of the Qur’ānic āyāt. Some examples have also been cited to elaborate this fact as well.